Thursday, April 17, 2008

Students out of control

I was sent these two links this morning:

I have to comment on these. Both of these videos are of a student attacking a teacher. As bad as that was, when the teacher went to get help from her principal, the teacher was told, in effect, it was her fault because she said a "trigger" word and that initiated the attack. Her trigger word? "I'm going to defend myself." "Defend" is now a cause for an attack.

We are seeing a direct result of two things (1) the result of God being removed from schools. Children are being taught that since they came from animals they are no better than animals and the behavior reflects that. Since there is no higher power there is no accountability. Schools are being built now that look like prisons instead of schools. They have armed guards, "resource officers" usually deputy sheriffs patrolling the halls. When you demonstrate to people they are animals in a cage, dont be surprised if they act like that.
(2) - since pre-school, students have been taught "dont fight back", appease your attacker, give him what he wants and he will go away. He will, after he severely hurts you or kills you and takes everything you have. Appeasement worked really well when England tried to appease Hitler in 1939. And it works just as well today. Look at Virginia Tech. While my prayers and sympathies are with the families, the multiple deaths were a direct result of their being taught from pre-school - dont fight back. If one, just one student had stood up and thrown something at the shooter, or charged him while he was reloading, then I have no doubt the outcome would have been different. But no, much the shame of the public schools and their indoctrination, the kids waited quietly on their knees while the shooter killed each one, saving the last bullet for himself.
I may be asked, well, Preacher, what would you do? We never know what we would do until we get in the situation. I'm no different. But my prayer is this: "Lord, give me the strength to do SOMETHING."

This is representative of the culture we live in now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fundamental LDS Wives

Watching Fox news this morning, the Fox and Friends team was interviewing three "wives" from the Fundamental LDS compound. All of three of the wives were emphatic about how happy they were and their children. They talked enthusiastically about their lifestyles and defended how they lived. However, when the questions came around about multiple wives, they all evaded those questions. One wife was asked how many wives her husband had, she at first did not "hear" the question. When it was repeated, she said, "I cant say at this time." That was the tack all of them took. They avoided discussing multiple wives. When asked about underage marriages, all three said the same thing - "I'm not aware of it." All three claimed they were of legal age when they married.
What this tells me is, these women know these multiple marriages are wrong, they know their living arrangements are not Biblical even by LDS standards.
I certainly feel sorry for these women who have (at least for a while) have lost their children. They were not allowed in the interview room with the interrogators. Part of me says, well, the officials don't want the moms influencing their children's answers. The cynic in me says the officials cant get the answers THEY want if the moms are there. I hope I'm wrong.
Even though these women apparently went into this lifestyle of their own free will, they all have a certain "robotness" (if that's a word) about them. They all dressed alike, wore their hair alike and spoke alike. The one on the left appeared to be the spokeswoman and the others only spoke when spoken to. Adults are free to make their own decisions. Twelve and thirteen year old "brides" (if that's really the case), are a whole nother story.